It is HOT HOT HOT, according to the weather service it is 105.4 outside and with the heat index it feels like 108 it is also very sunny and clear with a tiny breeze.
I am thinking
About myth and archetype, to paraphrase Carl Jung, archetypes are organs of the psyche as the stomach and intestines are organs of the body, just as often when someone is sick there is a problem with the function of an organ so it is when an individual has a psychological disturbance it is related to issues with the archetypes
About myth and archetype, to paraphrase Carl Jung, archetypes are organs of the psyche as the stomach and intestines are organs of the body, just as often when someone is sick there is a problem with the function of an organ so it is when an individual has a psychological disturbance it is related to issues with the archetypes
I am thankful for
Time alone, without it I would get cagey, odd and crankier than normal
Time alone, without it I would get cagey, odd and crankier than normal
From the kitchen
This weekend I cooked Monterey beans and cheese taken from SalomeEllen. One taste and it made me miss my old friends in Port Huron horribly.
This weekend I cooked Monterey beans and cheese taken from SalomeEllen. One taste and it made me miss my old friends in Port Huron horribly.
I am wearing
Let’s not talk about today because I have on my de rigor scrubs. . . this weekend I wore a long black skirt with purple flowers on it, a black tank top and a purple over shirt, black clogs and an amethyst necklace and silver rings.
Let’s not talk about today because I have on my de rigor scrubs. . . this weekend I wore a long black skirt with purple flowers on it, a black tank top and a purple over shirt, black clogs and an amethyst necklace and silver rings.
I am creating
A document for my students that is a short hand guide to diagnosis sequencing for both in and outpatient care
A document for my students that is a short hand guide to diagnosis sequencing for both in and outpatient care
I am going
To have the whole house to myself for 2 days- my house mate is going to Broken Arrow, OK to pick up a car.
To have the whole house to myself for 2 days- my house mate is going to Broken Arrow, OK to pick up a car.
I am reading
“The Origin and History of Consciousness” by Eric Neumann and “The Silver Chair” by CS Lewis as well as a very lengthy article called “Recombinant human erythropoietin counteracts secondary injury and markedly enhances neurological recovery from experimental spinal cord trauma” by A. Gorio et al From the 2002 National Academy of Sciences meeting
“The Origin and History of Consciousness” by Eric Neumann and “The Silver Chair” by CS Lewis as well as a very lengthy article called “Recombinant human erythropoietin counteracts secondary injury and markedly enhances neurological recovery from experimental spinal cord trauma” by A. Gorio et al From the 2002 National Academy of Sciences meeting
I am hoping
I will keep finding my time at the gym fun. The weather is miserable out and the gym is nice and cool, also when I can go mid day it is full of interesting old people
I am hearing
The CPR training going on next door for the new students
I will keep finding my time at the gym fun. The weather is miserable out and the gym is nice and cool, also when I can go mid day it is full of interesting old people
I am hearing
The CPR training going on next door for the new students
Around the house
There has been a dramatic increase in dust and fur on my floor. I don’t know what the cleaning fairies are up to but sweeping has not been on the list.
There has been a dramatic increase in dust and fur on my floor. I don’t know what the cleaning fairies are up to but sweeping has not been on the list.
One of my favorite things
Waking up before my alarm and lying in bed half awake and half asleep listening to the train whistle in the distance
Waking up before my alarm and lying in bed half awake and half asleep listening to the train whistle in the distance
A few plans for the rest of the week
I have so much grading to do it isn’t even funny. I believe if I spend every spare moment grading between now and Thursday I should finish in time. Why do I assign so much work again?
I have so much grading to do it isn’t even funny. I believe if I spend every spare moment grading between now and Thursday I should finish in time. Why do I assign so much work again?
Words I am pondering
“The shadow, which is in conflict with the acknowledged values, cannot be accepted as a negative part of one's own psyche and is therefore projected--that is, it is transferred to the outside world and experienced as an outside object. It is combated, punished, and exterminated as 'the alien out there' instead of being dealt with as one's own inner problem” Eric Neumann
Here is a picture I am sharing:
“The shadow, which is in conflict with the acknowledged values, cannot be accepted as a negative part of one's own psyche and is therefore projected--that is, it is transferred to the outside world and experienced as an outside object. It is combated, punished, and exterminated as 'the alien out there' instead of being dealt with as one's own inner problem” Eric Neumann
Here is a picture I am sharing:

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